The Raping of Ava DeSantis Read online

Page 14

  Finally, he was done.

  “Ava,” he said in heavy breath, looking deep into her reflective eyes.

  “What, Wesley?” she whispered back.

  His watery blue eyes said everything she suspected. “Ava, I think you’re the only woman I ever—”

  His cell phone RANG.

  “Ignore it,” she whispered, kissing him aggressively on the mouth. Wesley gave in to her passion, but as the phone continued to ring, reality came crashing down.

  The baby.

  He gently pulled away from her and stumbled out the bed. He bent over to the floor, naked, shuffling through his pants to find his phone.

  He answered it out of breath. “Hello?”

  “Where the hell are you? It’s four thirty in the morning!” huffed Michelle.

  “Jesus. I must have dozed off. I’m still at the office.”

  “You sound drunk.”

  “No, uh—”

  “And why are you breathing so heavy?”

  “I just ran down the hallway to get the phone. Why? What’s the matter?”

  “Well, I’m hurting like hell. I think I’m, in labor…”

  “Are you still at the house?”


  “I’m leaving right now. Just stay put until I get there.”

  Wesley hung up the phone, forgetting he was too drunk to drive home, let alone drive his pregnant wife to the hospital. He looked back to the bed and saw Ava was gone. But Julie was still there, naked and asleep on her side. For a second, he lost all focus and appreciated the outline of her small feminine body, especially her vine-covered ass and well-adorned back. Julie was a youthful canvas of art indeed, one that strangely had the same phoenix back tattoo as Ava. And knowing what little he did about Julie, that powerful image of resiliency was actually a pitiful statement of irony on her.

  Wesley looked out through the open terrace doors framed by white billowing curtains and saw the city skyline buzzing behind it. It was cool and breezy now, and there stood Ava, in a short silk Kimono robe smoking a cigarette…her long, lean sweating body reflecting thousands of beads of light from the sky, each cell gazing at the stars above them.

  Wesley walked outside, unsure of how to say good-bye.

  “Listen, I have to go.”

  She spoke with her back turned to him. “You’re in no shape to drive. I’ll call a limo and have Lucky follow in your Escalade.”

  “Ava, I…I don’t even know where to start. I don’t…”

  She turned around, with tears streaming down her face. “When can I see you again?”

  Wesley was alarmed. “I don’t know…honestly, I don’t.” He paused, thinking carefully before speaking the following words: “We can’t do this, Ava. You realize that, don’t you?”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we can’t. This has to end. Tonight.”

  Ava’s eyes showed how hard his words stung. She turned back around and continued smoking. “Just go then.”

  Wesley immediately regretted what he had said. “Ava, I’m sorry, I…”

  Her face was taut and serious. “Please. Just go.”

  Wesley had no more words. He knew that what he had done that evening was quite possibly the most asshole thing in the history of assholes, so he just bowed his head and walked back inside. He grabbed his clothes from the floor and dressed himself as fast as he could.

  When he finished, he noticed a video camera on a tripod in the corner of the bedroom. He looked outside to make sure Ava was not watching, then looked at the bed to make sure Julie was still asleep. He approached the camera, ejected the tape holder and saw that it was empty. Whew. Still unsure of what Ava wanted, at least now he knew it had nothing to do with money. And maybe, just maybe, Ava had received the type of closure she had been seeking all along.


  False Alarm

  Wednesday, October 11, 2006

  7:29 A.M.

  Still wearing the same clothes as the night before, Wesley and Michelle silently entered their home. Wesley struggled for compassionate words. “I’m just as anxious as you are, Michelle. You heard the doctor, false alarms are completely normal.”

  She looked up at him with her sad, big brown eyes.

  “What’s the matter, baby?”

  “You promised, Wes,” she said with a crackled voice.

  “Promised what, baby?”

  Michelle started crying softly. “That you would stop cheating.” She slowly waddled her way to the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Confused, Wesley looked at his reflection in the foyer mirror and saw his red satin dress shirt was off by two buttons. “Goddammit.”


  Wesley tried sleeping on his black sofa in the office, but the bright morning sun from the downtown skyline window was frying his face like a hot summer sidewalk. After flipping over several times, he finally took a large pillow and placed it over his head.

  Lilly waltzed through the open office door, fresh and peppy as ever. “Wesley? What are you doing here? I thought your wife was in labor?”

  Wesley replied under the pillow. “False alarm. Now go away.”

  “Get up. I’ve got good news.”

  “I need sleep, Lilly. I’ve been up all fucking night.”

  “Well did you catch the morning news?”

  “I will die if I don’t get some sleep.”

  “It’s Sarah Vinson, Wesley. We won! She officially withdrew the charges this morning.”

  For a second, Wesley thought he was dreaming. He removed the pillow from his head and faced Lilly. “What did you say?”

  “Saffroy is free and clear! All thanks to you…and me, and everybody else who works here of course.”


  “I just told you, Sarah Vinson publically withdrew the charges at 8:00 A.M. She said she made the whole thing up because Saffroy ended their affair abruptly, and she was truly sorry. Now she’s being charged with filing a false police report, but the DA said on TV he’ll let her plea it out.”

  Wesley knew better. He’d seen the brutal rape on his own computer. “But why would she do that?”

  “I guess she was tired of reading about herself in the papers.”

  Wesley shot her a look.


  “I fucking hate that saying.”

  “Why aren’t you happy, Wes? Daniel Holt will give us a huge bonus. Christmas vacay money for everybody!”

  The receptionist BUZZED on the intercom.

  Wesley yelled back from the sofa: “What?”

  “Mr. Scarborough, you have a guest up front. Would you like me to—”

  “No. No visitors!” He placed the pillow back over his head.

  “But it’s an old friend from college.”

  Wesley sprung upright like a mousetrap. Shit.

  “Lola, please do not let anyone back here. Tell her I’m in an important meeting with Lilly right now and that I’ll give her a—”

  David Reilly popped into Wesley’s office. “Tell her what, man?”

  Wesley rubbed his eyes raw. “Holy fuck, David?” Wesley fired off his sofa and they embraced like two old friends who hadn’t seen each other in years.

  “How the hell are you, good buddy?” asked Wesley.

  Lilly smiled at the sweet reunion. She knew Ed had worked hard to find him.

  “I heard you were looking for me, so I came by to see what the fuck you’re up to these days,” replied David, with a bird-eating grin on his face.

  “I’ll leave you two alone,” said Lilly as she exited.

  “I can’t believe you’re here, David. Sit down. Do you want a drink?”

  “At nine in the morning?” David smiled. “Thanks, but I can’t. I quit partying five years ago. NA is my dealer now.”

  Wesley was shocked. “Oh, wow, that’s great…And you look great. Strong, healthy.”


  “So wher
e are you working now?’

  “Deutsche Bank in London. Actually, I’m only back here to see the folks for like two days.”


  “Yeah, I’m here to pick up my mother’s engagement ring so I can pop the question back in the UK.”

  “Holy shit, that’s great, man. But you gotta catch me up over food ’cause I’m starving. Want to join me for breakfast?”

  “Four Seasons?”

  “Sure. Let’s go.”


  Wesley and David sat at the busy Four Seasons restaurant, eating a table full of eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, pancakes and rye toast. They ate like two starving children recently rescued from an abandoned ship. While they were feasting, an older waitress approached the table, refilling their coffees for the umpteenth time.

  “The National Democratic Party? You’re shitting me,” said David, chewing on a piece of twenty-dollar French toast. “That’s impossible.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “Now his family’s broke?”

  “Dead broke. They were already a half-a-million in the hole, so now Susie and the kids have to sell the house and move back to Tennessee with her mother.”

  “That sucks, man. I guess there’s a lot we don’t know about Sebastian…I mean, didn’t know. Shit, I still can’t believe he’s fucking dead.”

  “Well, I just pretend he’s away on a long business trip. That’s how I cope with it.”

  “I hear ya, man.”

  “But you know, sometimes out of nowhere it does hit me hard…and I just want to bawl my fucking eyes out, you know?”

  “I can imagine. Y’all were really close.”

  “Yes, we were.”

  “We all went through a lot of shit together.”

  Wesley faintly nodded in agreement, and then quickly changed the subject. “So, do you like London?”

  “Hell no, it sucks. It rains all the fucking time, and the guys there dress like fags. Like half the straight men in my office wear hot pink and lavender French cuff shirts with suspenders and shit like that. Ridiculous. Plus all the EU liberals constantly bitch that America is fucking up the environment, everybody’s starving in India and shit like that. It’s a whole country full of pussies, man. They need to man up. Southern style.”

  “You can always move back here.”

  “Well, it’s my girl. She’s from there, so I’m probably gonna stay put.”

  “Yeah? Tell me about the future wife.”

  “Well, her name is Kylie. She’s British, from Kent. Pretty hot I might add.”

  “Kylie Riley. Dig it.”

  “We live together now, and she’s awesome. But the only thing giving me cold feet is the thought of having sex with the same woman for the rest of my life.” David smiled. “Not like that’s a problem for you.”

  “Not me, I’m through with that shit. I’ve got a baby coming any minute.”

  “Yeah, right.” David leaned over the table. “Come on, man, tell me. How long have you been faithful this time?”

  Wesley stared directly into David’s eyes then looked at his Rolex. “Well, what time is it?”

  “You fucker!”

  “No man, but seriously. Last time, ever.”

  “Was she hot at least?”

  Wesley hesitated.

  “What? Stop holding back.”

  Wesley couldn’t resist the urge. He reluctantly held up two fingers.

  “Two women? Damn. I always wanted to be you in college, now I remember why.”

  The waitress interrupted their conversation with more coffee. “Can I get y’all something else?”

  “No just the check, please,” said David. “This one’s on me.”

  As he was speaking, Wesley spotted Ava at the entrance of the restaurant. She was wearing a short, sexy, yellow raincoat and her signature large Jackie O’ style sunglasses.

  “Holy shit.” Wesley partially ducked under the table. Why does she fucking appear every time I think of her?

  “What? Who’s behind me?”

  “No one, uh, just a former client.”

  David turned around and zeroed in on an old man standing next to Ava.

  “Who? The old geezer? Don’t worry, he’s leaving now. And so is the girl.”

  Wesley slowly lifted his face and looked at the entrance to confirm she had left.

  “Damn, your client’s daughter is fucking hot. Or was that his wife?”


  “The blonde in the yellow raincoat. I’d bang that bitch in a second.”

  Wesley shot him a look. “You know you’re fucked in the head, right?”

  David grinned. “I’ve missed you too, good buddy.”


  Outside, Wesley and David walked down a hilly sidewalk towards a tall parking garage across the street.

  “Where are you parked?”

  “Fourth floor I think. Do you need a ride back to the office?”

  “No, man, it’s a quick walk. I can use the fresh air.”


  Wesley gave him a big hug. “Hey, have a safe trip back and good luck with the proposal. I look forward to meeting Kylie at the wedding.”

  “Me too.”

  Wesley turned around and walked back up the hill towards his office.

  “Hey, man, good luck with the diapers!” shouted David.

  Wesley smiled, saluting him back. “You too!”


  In the garage, David pulled a large tagged key out of his front pocket while walking along a dark, shaded floor. He walked towards a green Chevy Lumina in the distance. Just as he was approaching, the blonde woman in the yellow raincoat popped out from behind a shiny black conversion van with blocked out windows.

  “Excuse me. I vas vondering if you could help,” said Ava in her near-perfect Russian accent.

  David recognized her as the hot chick from the restaurant. “Sure, how can I help you today?”

  “My friend leave note on van and I not understand it very well.” She took out a folded yellow piece of legal paper from her coat pocket and handed it to David.

  “Sure, let’s see here.” He unfolded it and read it aloud, smiling. “I like it up the ass?”


  The van doors behind him swung wide open. Two bald, muscular bikers—one black and one white—jumped out. The black biker stuck a dirty rag into David’s mouth as the other yanked him inside…Ava followed them all into the van and locked the doors behind her.

  Inside, the black biker held David by the arms as the white one wrapped his trembling ragged-mouth with several rounds of duct tape. He then moved down David’s body yanking off his dress pants, along with his dirty white Hanes underwear.

  Ava stood directly over him. “How’s London been treating you?”

  David lay flat on the floor of the conversion van, fully nude from the waist down. His eyes shrieked pure fear, his body squirming and panicking, not understanding who these people were or why this was happening to him.

  Ava took off her sunglasses and tilted her head to one side. “Oh, wait a second. You don’t recognize me. I’m so sorry, David. It’s Ava. Ava DeSantis.”

  David stopped squirming for two brief seconds then thrashed out harder than before.

  “Oh, good. You do remember me now.”

  The bikers flipped him over onto all fours, placing his arms and legs in chains, with his hairy pale asshole exposed to the air.

  Ava removed a pair of protective goggles and blue rubber gloves from her coat pocket and placed both items carefully on her body. She then tightened the belt on her yellow raincoat and bent over to examine his hairy asshole closely. “Oh my, you don’t wipe very well. Disgusting.”

  Sweat rolled down David’s brow, which combined with the spit running down his chin from silently screaming under the wads of duct tape around his mouth.

  “Well, now that I know you like it up the ass, let’s see what we can find here.” Ava turned and grabbed a large golf
umbrella from the floor. “How’s this for starters?” She lunged the pointy end of the umbrella into his rectum, and hit the open button.

  “AHHHHH!” David screamed through his homemade muzzle.

  “That’ll feel good here in a minute.”

  David moaned through his muzzle.

  “What? Not yet?” Ava removed the umbrella, and lunged it again harder.


  “Okay, that’s done. Now let’s see what else we have here.” She picked up a rusty tire iron from the van floor. “Perfect”

  She thrust the widest end of the tire iron, hard, cracking something inside.

  David screamed wildly.

  “Whoops. Did I hit a bone? Jeez, I hate when that happens.”

  David cried hysterically.

  Ava glanced outside the one-way windows, confirming that no one was around. “Good. Looks like you’re ready to go. Boys, who wants to go first?”

  The big black biker unzipped his pants. He maneuvered behind David’s ass and thrust his large cock inside of him. “You like fucking little girls?” he said through each thrust.

  David wallowed silently.

  “How does that feel, boy? You still like it up the ass?”

  David’s eyes crossed with pain.

  The white biker gestured for the black one to step aside. “I’ve got this,” he said in a low, deep voice.

  As the black biker removed his huge black cock, fresh red blood ran out of David’s asshole, gushing down his inner thigh. The rusty smell of blood mixed with shit filled the van, making the black biker gag as he moved away.

  David’s entire body shook waiting for the white biker to take his pants down to his ankles. He then positioned himself behind David, fucking the hell out him, pushing and cracking and pummeling his head into the van’s exit doors in the back.


  In shock from the pain, David became limp and lifeless.

  Ava rose from her seat and slapped David across the face. “Wake up, motherfucker. You’re going to remember this day for the rest of your time in hell.”


  David’s eyes pleaded mercy, but Ava was enjoying every second of his long deserved punishment. The ass pounding continued for two long minutes until the white biker finally climaxed inside him…removing his dick, bloodied and soiled.